Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Introduction to guitar

I am currently attempting to learn how to play guitar.  Over the last few weeks I've purchased my instrument, a FG700MS Yamaha Acoustic, read up on a few articles, and watched some how-to videos on Youtube to learn the basics and how to play "Smoke on the Water", but today I took a big leap into something more organized:  I've enrolled in a (free) online class put on by a professor at Berklee College of Music.  The six week course actually started last week, so I've spent my afternoon playing catchup.  Last week's assignments don't count for me as I missed the deadline, but I'm doing them anyway for the learning experience.  I watched through the professor's video lessons on the difference between acoustic and electric guitars, the parts of guitars and guitar accessories, and fretboard maps and chord block diagrams.  Some of this information I'd encountered through my flings with Youtube how-to videos, but a lot of it was new and all and all this course is just a great environment for learning.  The last of week one's material was to practice A minor and E major chords and then to answer some questions pertaining to the difference in their sounds, so here's a short video of me working on learning them.

I still have to finish answering the questions (later there will be a peer review session with other students enrolled in the course), and then it will be on to week two!  I really should be studying for my math test tomorrow, but this is much more fun.

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