So, here I am. It's been a long journey to this point, and for a while I wasn't even sure I was going to make it -- just look at my last post on the subject. But I'm here, and I'm glad I didn't miss it. So, how did I get around the trials and tribulations that I brought up last time? A bit was luck: seeing as we're in IB and our course runs all year, midterms aren't always that big a deal and we didn't end up having exams in every subject. In English and History we're just having a work period for ongoing projects that it isn't extremely critical to attend, and in French we have an oral assessment that only lasts around fifteen minutes and cannot be prepared for, so it is not too difficult for me to make it up at a later date. I am missing a chemistry exam on energetics and a french test, but since it's just the two I feel more confident on my ability to make them up. My decision was also a compromise; technically, the tournament lasts until Saturday, but I'm returning Thursday evening to make my biology exam and attend math class on Friday. On one hand, that's still quite difficult as I have to now find time to study while I'm away, but I'd say it is a better option than having to catch up on our new math unit and the biology exam while also doing the chemistry exam, the french test, and my french oral assessment, as well as whatever new material we're covering next week. In any case, that's all housekeeping. I suppose I should talk about the tournament. We arrived on Sunday, and there were some formalities to take care of in the form of accreditation and opening ceremonies. No games that day, but that was made up for in the days that followed. Two games on Monday, a game yesterday, two today, two tomorrow... our schedule has been jam packed (although I found some time to make my bio notes after our game last night). We haven't been doing fantastically well in terms of scores, but that is to be expected at a big tournament like this: all the other provinces have heaps of players to choose from, and a league of AA teams battle it out all season for a chance to go to Nationals. Since we have such a small pool of players, we don't have that luxury. In any case, our first three games were in the opening pool, and we lost them all by the seven goal spread. After losing in that first bracket, we were bumped down from the medal running into the consolation round. That may sound like a bad thing, but it means that we're now playing against teams that are more our speed. Both our games today we played neck and neck with, being tied at half and even leading at some points, but in both we ended up falling apart eventually, losing by five in the first and the full seven in the second. Our play is improving, though, and I feel optimistic about our game tomorrow. And what about me, personally? I think I've been doing alright; I've definitely improved over this year, that's for sure. In our second game, we scored two goals, and I assisted on both! Right now I'm completely exhausted and sore all over from so much hard play over the last few days, but I'll get a good sleep and be ready to be up and at them again tomorrow.
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Or, you know, I could always just take a snooze on the ice... |
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