Thursday 7 March 2013

We start as fools

Today we received our country and committee assignments for Model UN!  I managed to get my first country choice of Tanzania, although I didn't end up on the ECOSOC committee.  Still, as I mentioned earlier, I'm sure that the Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Committee on the reconsideration of the responsibility to protect is going to be fascinating.  I don't really know much on the topic or on my country as a whole, so I suppose it is a good thing that we have a month or two to get ready.  As the Tanzanian proverb goes, we start as fools and become wise through experience (see, I'm learning stuff about Tanzania already).  Tonight I'm working on reading the background paper on the SOCHUM committee, which is quite interesting.  It alludes to many historical events, some of which I'm familiar with and others I'm going to have to research a bit about, but truly, it is fascinating.  Another perk about this committee, even though it is not my first choice, is that this is also the committee that Jessica will be serving on, so at least I will know someone.  On the other hand, she is representing Somalia, and I somehow doubt that Somalian foreign policy is one that any country is going to see eye to eye with, but who knows?  I'm still a fool when it comes to Tanzania's political stances, so maybe they and Somalia have more in common than one might figure.  I'm going to be away much of this weekend for a house ringette tournament, but I hope to still be able to find time to do some preliminary research on my country and on the issue.  I feel like I don't really know as much about world events as I would like, and so I think that Model UN is going to be an interesting and eye-opening experience.

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